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U2fly The Bassman Martin


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Since November 2019, Martin Zänder has been the new "ADAM" of U2fly. He previously played in a U2 tribute band with Christoph. The band is delighted to have him as a permanent member now. Ever since Martin was at a U2 concert in the Cologne Arena (Elevation Tour), he has been blown away by U2's live presence and said that it was the best concert he had ever seen. From the very beginning, he has been taking care of the musical side of the band at U2fly and has improved and made a lot of new things. The band is already very grateful for that.

Martin studied at the University of Music and Dance and has been working as a musician since 2009. He has performed on stage with artists such as Sydney Youngblood, Daniel Schumacher, Kasalla, Faiz Mangat, Linda Teodosiu and Charly Klauser, and often takes on the role of musical director, for example for the TV band of the WDR show 'Der beste Chor im Westen' or the theater production 'The Fabulous Singlettes'.

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